Do You Need To Be Strong To Surf? (With Tips!)

When you think of a surfer, you might picture a skinny man or woman with a rocking body like something you might see straight out of Bay Watch.  While some of this may be true, media and movies create a fake facade on how strong you need to be to surf.  This raises questions on how strong you need to be able to surf or does that even have an impact on your surfing ability. So, I turned to research to help me find the answer to my long-awaited question.

Do You Need To Be Strong To Surf? Surfing includes the involvement of many-core muscle groups because of the constant paddling and movement.  Surfing also includes being able to balance on your board, flexibility to stand up, and also to stamina to paddle for long periods of time.  Using conditioning to strengthen your muscles can help you reach your best surfing potential.

            While surfing does involve having strength in your body, some people may think that they don’t have enough.  If you have a strong determination and dedication, you will be able to learn and build strength to help with surfing.   There are also many ways in which the right amount of conditioning and training can help you to build stamina, flexibility, and strength.

Do You Need To Be Strong To Surf?

No.  To surf, you just need determination, passion, and time.  Anyone of any age and body type can surf if they choose to.  There are three different overall levels of a surfer.  There is beginner, intermediate, and experienced.  For all of these different types of levels, there are different needs for strength.

For example, a beginner might not need a lot of strength because they are catching the “whitewash” and just learning how to surf.  They will only just start to develop the muscles and the stamina needed when you graduate and move farther out in the break.

Secondly,  an intermediate surfer will have already have gained most of the techniques and tips for surfing.  They will then start catching bigger waves which require more energy and strength.

Last but not least is the expert surfers.  Expert surfers still are learning and training to be better just like all the other levels but they also have another variable.  The strength of mind.  Many expert surfers are fit and in shape and are ready to face big waves.  Usually, they train and condition themselves to be ready to face the giant waves.

Not only is it on the water that surfers train and condition to become stronger, but also in their everyday lifestyle.

Here are some tips to help you become a stronger surfer:

Tip #1: At Home Workouts

There are different types of workouts that can help different parts of the body.  Many surfers do basic bodyweight workouts and exercises to help their performance on the water.  Here are some of the basic exercises.

  • Dynamic lunge
  • Front squats
  • Push-ups
  • Sit-ups
  • Pull-ups

These workouts will help increase your get up speed as well as you paddling.  Really these workouts will help you with your overall surfing.

surfing tips

Tip #2: Having a Healthy Diet

Not only does working out help you become stronger and perform better, but also having a good diet and eating well helps you and your muscles to grow.  Having an equal amount of vegetables, meats and proteins will help you in and out of the water.  Also, making sure that your body is hydrated because your muscles need oxygen to grow and perform.

Tip #3:  Getting Enough Rest

Getting an adequate amount of sleep is essential to let your muscles grow and become stronger for your next surf session.  Not getting enough sleep will weaken your immune system and weaken your physical body.  This can also lead to exhaustion which can weaken your muscles.

Tip #4: Constant Surfing

This one is kind of obvious but I will not leave any stone unturned.  Surfing on a regular basis will help your muscles continually grow over a period of time.  Even if you are surfing on the smallest of days, think of this as a type of training for when you are ready to go and surf the big giants.

Tip #5: Stretching/ Warm-ups

One of the most important things to do is to always stretch and warm-up before you go out for a surf session.  Failure to do this could lead to serious injury which could end up preventing you from being able to surf.  You want to make sure that you stay flexible so that you can do a variety of tricks and reach your full potential on the water.

Do You Need To Be a Strong Swimmer to Surf?

When surfing, you should know and be able to present some sort of basic swimming skills.  If you leash breaks, you need to know how to swim so that you will be able to get to shore safely.

If you are just learning how to surf, being comfortable with the water is another must-have.  Most times when learning how to surf your instructor will keep you in the waist to chest-deep water to make sure that you have the fundamentals before taking you farther out.

As you graduate from beginner to intermediate and then to expert, you should learn and be really good at swimming.

In case of a wipeout, swimming is a necessary procedure to be able to pull yourself from under the water to the surface.  If you don’t know how to swim, it could result in injury or even drowning.

Also if your leash breaks, sometimes surfers get stuck in current which usually pulling them away from shore.  In this case, having good swimming skills can help you make it safely to shore and not have you get carried away in the current.

Another great trick to learn if you are going to start surfing is to not panic.  Surfers experience many scary moments that require them to use their heads, but when you panic you tend to act irrationally which can cause drowning.  When in a scary situation, making sure that you are thinking clearly and using your brain will help you avoid possibly dangerous accidents.

Does Surfing Make You Ripped?

While many people may not get that perfect chest or 6-pack abs that you see on TV, surfing will definitely get you fit and in shape because of the intense body workout.  The combination of paddling, swimming, and standing up will help to burn lots of calories.

Surfing is a great workout and a great cardiovascular exercise that helps to strengthen your heart in the process of standing up, paddling, and using your core muscles.  Surfing is a great way to burn calories and can burn nearly the same amount of calories as football or even one session in the gym.

Many surfers, including myself, rarely workout other than surfing.  I am able to stay healthy, strong, and in shape because of my constant surfing.  Also eating healthy and nutritious meals will help build some of those necessary muscles.

It is also said that if the activity makes you smile, it will get you in shape.  Surfers are always smiling and having a good time in the sun which keeps them healthy and strong.

Not only is surfing good for building muscle but it also helps with the long-term health of your body.  Surfing is classified as a “low-impact” sport that limits weight and pressure on your hips and knees, unlike sports like running.

Now I am not saying the change to your body will happen overnight.  The changes to your body and physique will happen gradually as you surf more often.  The change of your body also varies depending on your eating habits, your consistency in surfing, and your body type.

Related Questions:

How long does it take to become good at surfing?

Well, it varies for different people because everyone has a different skill set.  It could take from anywhere between a few hours to a couple of months.  If it takes you longer then two months to stand up on your board you may need to change your strategy of surfing or to also get surf lessons.

Can someone tell if I am a beginner?

Yes.  It is usually very obvious when someone if a beginner.  There is nothing bad about that, just keep in mind to not get in other people’s way and make sure you are being aware of the other people that are surfing.

Is skateboarding similar to surfing?

In my opinion, skateboarding and surfing are very similar because of the fact that balance plays a really important role in staying on the board.  Many skateboarders have a really easy time learning surfing and likewise.  Both share some fundamental skills which make them very similar.

Is it dangerous to surf?

Much like any other sport, surfing does come with some dangers.  Some of the minor dangers include cuts and bruises from hitting or being dragged on the reef.  All in all, though, surfing is a relatively safe sport and you can increase your safety by wearing helmets and paying attention to your surroundings.

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